
[av_two_fifth first] [av_team_member name=’Michael T Morrow’ job=’Director | Producer’ src=’×6841.jpg’ attachment=’472′ attachment_size=’full’...

Music Videos

Music Videos Project: Showers Over Everyone – Remastered Client: Radar Love Records/Michael Hanson When long-time collaborator Michael Hanson mentioned he was going to re-release a single he did in 1998, MTMorrow decided to use cutting-edge machine learning...


[av_one_full first] [av_heading heading=’Short Narrative Films’ tag=’h1′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’0′ color=” custom_font=”][/av_heading]...

Documentary TV

Documentary TV Project: Cold Water Cowboys Client: E-One / Discovery Canada Throughout CWC 4 year run, MTMorrow directed and shot many segments across several Newfoundland fishing boats. Wonderful natural beauty and a gorgeous group of people. Yes B’ye! Watch...

Michael T Morrow CV

MTM CV Michael T Morrow is an award winning Television Director specializing in themes of exploration and adventure. Morrow has over twenty years experience in Documentary Television, Music Videos and Commercials. After graduating OCAD’s Integrated Media Program,...